RIDs are often depicted as ( page number; slot number), or ( 0; 10) in decimal notation,( 0; A) in hexadecimal notation. RID通常描述为(页号;slot数),即十进制记数的(0;10)、二进制记数的(0;A)。
Updates each page of the block so that it appears empty ( the physical data remains, but their slot directory entries are set to deleted) 更新块中的每个页,使之看上去为空(物理数据仍然在,但是它们的slot目录项被设为已删除)。
The number of bytes for the page address has been increased to 4 bytes, and the slot number now uses 2 bytes. 用于页寻址的字节数增加到4个字节,页槽号现在用2个字节表示。
Table Corrupt: Page% S_PGID, slot% d, column% d is not a valid complex column. 表损坏:页%1!,槽%2!,列%3!不是有效的复杂列。